Monday, June 17, 2013

STEPS FILM AWARDS 2012-13 Steps film awards 2012-13 was held at Blue Pearl Hotel Dar Es Salaam on 15/06/2013. Honorable Minister for communication, science and Technology Prof.Makame M.Mbarawa inagurated the function officially . Thanks for all the Artists , Delegates , Corporates , Media ,Special Guests , Bongo Movie Viewers, Well wishers & Colleagues for your Great Support .

1.Best Director : Ray Kigozi (Women Of Principle)
2.Best Actor: Jacob Steven ( Nakwenda Kwa Mwanangu )
3.Best Actress : Iree Paul
4.Best Movie : - Kijiji Cha Tambua Haki 
5.Best Selling Movie :- Ndoa Yangu
6..Best Best Story :- Nice Muhammed (Baamed)
7.Best Screen Play :- Ally Yakuti
8.Best Cameraman :- Zakayo Magulu
9.Best Sound :- Bharghasi Saidi
10.Best Editor : Timoth Conrady
11.Best Production House:RJ Production Company
12.Best Supporting Actor : Rado (I think I hate my wife )
13.Best Supporting Actress: Riama Ally ( Tabu Ya kuolewana)
14.Best Producer : John Lister
15.Best Comedian :King Majuto
16.Most Promising Actor : Niva
17.Most Promising Actress : Irene Paul
18.Best Child Artist : Jennifer
19.Best Action Movie :Double J
20.Best Perfomance in a negative role : Mohammed Nurdin -checkbudi (Azma)
21.Special Jury Award : Jennifer Kyaka (odama) 
21.Best movie on National Integration:Mwalimu Nyerere 
22.Best Movie for the development of culture & Language :Toba
23.Posthumous Awards :- Late:Kanumba, Late:Sajuki , Late:Sharobaro,Late:John

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